Enable/Disable Server Schedule

Enable or disable the Server Schedule(s) in bulk. Ideal for turning on or off your work related automations when taking a break, or for seasonal actions.


Server Schedules
  • A list of server schedules, e.g. output from the Find Server Schedule action. If no input is provided you can select a server schedule.


  • Enable or disable the action(s)

 Output: Server Schedule

  • A UUID for this server action.
Cron Expression
Schedule Description
  • E.g. Every 60 minutes
  • The timezone for the execution of the action based on relative to your local time on the device you run this action on.
Is Enabled?
  • Server actions which are enabled.
  • The name of the Shortcut or HomeKit action.
Task Type
    • Shortcut
    • HomeKit
Schedule Type
  • Whether the task is scheduled to happen at a specific time, or based on an interval.
    • At Time
    • Every
  • Any notes you have written for the server schedule.
  • The name of the Shortcut or the HomeKit Scene.