2023.05: Build a Dynamic Home Screen Dashboard with Widgets
This month the focus has been on improving Pushcut's integrations via the API and services that use it!
We have improved the set widget support everywhere. We previously added support for setting the on tap action via the API, and this now supports setting the input for a Shortcut as well. We were also able to roll this support out to IFTTT as well as in the Shortcuts action, and through the API.
We've also added a new guide which demonstrates how you can use the shortcut input with a widget.

This feature was much requested by folks who are building custom dashboards on their device home screens, and wanting to avoid having to create one shortcut for every widget and modify it regularly. Now you can change what a widget is based around with a dynamic shortcut!
We've also spent some time improving our widget previews: You can now set a "placeholder" for inputs or show the content from your latest widget update!
Have an idea on how we can improve Pushcut? Let us know over on Reddit and Mastodon.